Had a great weekend! B was out of town playing in the Kiva Cup (congratulations to USA - first time winners) and Mom and Dad watched the kiddies one night while I scrapped. I got these 4 done. The purple one titled "Stop" is for this week's Urban Anthology's Got Talent contest. Just fyi. Don't forget to vote here for me in last week's challenge (shameless vote ho).

Mom and I shopped her new Target and spent way too much money. I went nutzo over clothes for the kids. I did get part of Cam's Christmas present and lots of gift wrap stuff. I also got the cutest coolest jacket too. I really think Anthro had one just like it last year that I tried to buy but they only had one left and it was someone elses (I saw it on the rack where they hold clothes for people about to try on. I thought it would be rude to poach - but I almost did). I love Target.

Got some great beads this weekend and made a new necklace too. The things I can do when I don't have the kids! I'll try to get pics of my recent jewelry creations up sometime.

J had a tee ball game yesterday. Amazingly enough, this bright light appeared in the sky yesterday and made it all possible. I forget what you call that thing. J's team won! (well, technically they don't keep score so I just chalk them up to moral victories each time they play. J did well. He hit every ball without the tee and was aggressive going after the ball in the field. So proud of J!)

Also did some work work last night. Its so frustrating to work for over 3.5 hours and get like one tiny, miniscule thing accomplished. Nothing like spinning your wheels. It makes me want to beat my head against something hard.d

Praise Him! Baby Grant came home yesterday. All is supposed to be well, but let's all keep praying just in case ; )

Busy week at work. Looking forward to more fun fall colors.