I know this. Why did I doubt? Every time I just run out to like WalMart or somewhere else glamourous and think, "It's not a beauty contest. No one is going to see me" I see someone I know. Not someone who sees me showered and clean on a regular basis but someone I haven't seen in YEARS. Case in point, I saw a partner from my old firm (who I haven't seen in about 5 years) and a guy I went to high school with (who I haven't seen in about 15 years). I was attempting to pull off a headscarf look today bc I had to put something in my hair last night that kind of made it have a permanent wet look. I don't think I was successful with that fashion step out.

WE have been the laziest people today. The kids and I have done nothing but watch tv. I did a layout but I"m not sure I like it.