I thought it would be appropriate, as we celebrate March Beautification here on Bubblegum, to do some beauty product reviews.

I am very picky about my beauty products. They must be effective and easy to use. I don't mind spending a little more for something that has proven to be worth it but I am not going to start using La Mer just because it makes Jennifer Aniston look like she is 22. I can't afford it.

As a fair haired, fair complected girl, I have to do all I can to make my lashes stand out. So, whenever I see a new lengthening/thickening lash miracle, I try it out. I am very interested in Latisse, but the fact that it costs $300 a pop and it could turn my green (yes Mother, GREEN) eyes brown is a huge turn off.

Last week as I was on one of my many prework Wal Mart runs, I noticed a big display for L'Oreal's new Lash Boosting Serum and Double Extend Lash Boosting Mascara. I decided to check it out. I purchased both and started using them that night. You use the serum at night and the mascara (which is basically a white base coat on one side and mascara on the other) during the day. The white base coat kind of makes your lashes feel crunchy and takes a while to dry, but I have noticed that my mascara isn't flaking into my eyes by the end of the day.

So, what about the lengthening claims? IMHO, its pretty hard for someone undergoing subtle changes to notice them. I thought my lashes might be a little longer, but didn't know if I was just "wishing" it. Then, my Mom came over this weekend and said, "Your lashes look really long!". So, I chalk it up to L'Oreal. They are slightly longer. Not fake eyelash long, but better.

Bottom Line: I recommend L'Oreal's new Lash Boosting Technology. It gets the March Beautification Seal of Approval.