NYC Review
Wow. NYC was amazing as always. We packed every minute with something. I am straight up exhausted and it was well worth it : ) Thanks Karly, Leah and Kathy for a GREAT time.
The Highlights:
Jersey Boys - if you are planning on going to NYC you MUST go see this show. It was fantastic from beginning to end - the music, the story, the sets. Fabulous.
Jeans in Soho - you can't beat $300 jeans that fell off a truck and cost you less than a third of the retail price...esp. in your size! I only regret not buying 2 pairs.
Kate's Paperie - my heaven. I could have spent hours in there. My only advice is that they expand their offering of writing utensils. That is where my heart really lies. Maybe I can open "Katie's Pens".
Pastis - again, it does not disappoint. My cheezeburger was great, the service was unpretensious and the view was great.
Balthazar - Pastis's sister restaurant - best french onion soup in the world and brewed tea.
Zitomer's - cool little drugstore on upper east side. I was able to find the Bob the Builder die casts that J has been wanting : )
Magnolia Bakery - butter makes everything better at the Soup Nazi's answer to cupcakes. I got a cute tee shirt too.
Relaxing with good friends and a bottle of wine - can't beat it any where in the world.
Bread - after the bad vibes we got from the snots at Downtown Cipriani, Bread was a refreshing and down to earth alternative.
Photo Tour - It was really cool to have someone follow us around and take our picture in some cool places around town. The pics are great and we never would have gotten so many if it weren't for Mark.
Pooky and SEbastian - great little boutique. I just wish I would have bought the black shirt, the wrap sweater and the earrings...but I was just too darn hot.
The Bed at the Marquis - wow. the most comfortable bed. ever.
Regis and Kelly - I think Kelly could fit in my pocket. She could certainly fit in Leah's suitcase.
The LowLights
The empire waist trend - its got to go. I was already pregnant for 9 months and fat for 3 more. Please, no more maternity shirts.
Downtown CIpriani -if you aren't going to seat us, don't take our reservation.
"Reasonable" prices - they aren't the same in NYC as at home...shockingly so.
The line at Regis and Kelly - mean officials and people skipping in line suck. I also discovered here that I am claustrophobic.
The subway - its like a million degrees in there. Plus it makes people angry.
Blisters and heat - not so fun. Definately October is the month to go.
I am old - and get sore and tired easier.
Barney's Denim Bar - I second Karly that we have a better selection here at Saks. The Coop wasn't all that great.
Chelsea - again, I second Karly on this one. I saw nothing to indicate this is a cool area. It was actually kind of scary.
Missing the fam - I wish I could take them all with me, but that they would follow my every command while we were there.
I'm sure I will think of more but naptime is apparently over now. Ciao (as they would say at Downtown Cipriani. they probably air kiss too).
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Ummm...I don't think the jeans so much "fell off" the truck more like physically removed...illegally.
Kt has enlightened me that "fell off" = bad! :)
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